
Caburé Group Grows in Strenght and Innovation

Caburé Group’s revenue grew 16.3% in 2011, compared with the same period in 2010, demonstrating a result of continued growth and strong positive performance of the products sold and the business conducted by its subsidiaries and affiliates.In the main activity of the...

End of Year Celebrations

On December 16, employees and employees of the CABURÉ GROUP met at the year-end fraternization party. As it happens in every year, the party was marked by the friendship, joy and fun of all. To surface such feelings is extremely important, because through them we...

The Goal of Life Event was a Success

The Goal of Life Project, a Social Responsibility initiative of the Caburé Group, has as one of its objectives to help entities and charities of committed and competent management. To this end, a GRE-NAL charity with the participation of players such as Dunga,...

Goal of Life Project

Sábado, dia 23/01, na Praia de Atlântida, tivemos mais um jogo pelo Projeto Gol da Vida, onde a equipe da Caburé Seguros recebeu os funcionários do Banco Banrisul para mais um jogo beneficente. A partida teve o intuito de arrecadar donativos para serem doados à...